Your Talents And Passion

Finding your talent or talents will create a beautiful world and open up chances to you. The more talents you find, the more chances you’ll have. Yet, without concentration it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re doing and how to overcome the confusion state. Many of us have at least one talent since we…

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Obstacles: Are they real? Or do we imagine them?

Sometimes, we put obstacles unconsciously to prevent us from moving forward. Why? Mostly fear. If that fear increases, we might be steps away from achieving what we want to do in our lives. Once you’re aware of your fear, and face it, it won’t be able to control you. Life will be open up to…

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The Wonders of Calligraphy

Calligraphy … the beauty of artistic writing. In all languages, calligraphic writings are a wonder. My native language is Arabic, and I love Arabic Calligraphy a lot. I don’t remember taking calligraphy classes before but I certainly love it. In my free time, I often practice writing calligraphic letters but I still am an amateur.…

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Online Ottoman Illumination Workshop

It’s better that I write a descriptive post regarding the Ottoman Illumination Workshop that I’m working on. I promised that I’ll keep students interested in learning this art updated with the progress for this online workshop, so I decided to write everything here. Once the workshop is up and ready, there will be a registration…

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