Graphic Designer to Fashion and Jewelry Designer

Today’s blog post is more interesting this time. For a while I was constantly thinking about publishing this post but wanted to focus more on the content and make sure everything is as planned. So here it is and enjoy reading.

Designed apparel

Since late 2016 I decided to design my own clothes. The idea was there but I didn’t feel I was ready to start producing my own designed clothes! A lot of questions popped up in my mind like ‘what kind of fabric will I use?’ ‘Will this design really work?’ … etc. But when I took the first step I found it to be easier than I thought before. The first step can always be the hardest but it’s worth it in the end.

Being precise in exactly what I wanted to design makes everything easier than adding too little details. In the past, I used to draw a first sketch and leave the drawing as it was. With time, I learned to add as many details and notes to make the whole drawing pop up more.

Baby Pink Jacket

My very first designed clothes was a baby pink jacket with a belt. Since the fabric is thick it’s suitable for fall/winter. Kuwait’s weather is hot so wearing it even in Spring is not a very good idea.

Patterned Short Dress

Last year I partnered with a new brand called ‘Estilo’. Estilo is a textile design company that is specialized in designing patterns and producing fabrics (premade and customized). So what I did was that I designed this short dress using one of Estilo’s fabric which turned beautiful.

Maroon Dress

This dress is a little bit different. It was designed similar to the patterned short dress you saw above but with twists, different fabric, and different hem.

Wide Black Pants ( Skirt Pant )

Rather than designing the regular stick pants I wanted to go with a wide legged pants instead. Since I’m petit I don’t always find suitable wide pants for me so I decided to produce my own for my size. It looks amazing and suits my body a lot.

Designed Jewelry

The other category I worked on the past months was jewelry design. This is all part of opening my mind to new opportunities. Designing jewelry differs from designing clothes or merely sketching a light sketch. Producing jewelry is a little bit complicated and you have to be as precise when drawing the necklace or ring you want to produce.

Since this is a personal project, I decided to produce my own name. Whenever I wear it I feel that it gives a special vibe to me.

Instagram: Anwaar.saleh

Twitter:  Anwaar_saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw