Digital Prints, Fine art Paintings, and Wall-art

Digital prints and wall-art are similar in concept while fine art paintings differ in many ways. In the past few years, digital prints and wall-art posters were widely spread across the internet. It’s easy to choose a digital print or wall-art poster, print, and frame them. And sometimes there is an option of choosing a…

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Digital Art, Custom brushes, and Procreate.

Did you try digital art before? If you’re an artist already, then you’re more familiar with drawing and using traditional drawing and painting tools. However, deciding to use a different medium to draw and paint is another story. It takes some time to get used to using digital mediums like tablets, desktops and, iPads. In…

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Caught Up

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This post is a little different from my previous ones. I won’t post my illustrations but rather I’ll rant just a little about life and such. After graduating from University I founded my own small business (graphic design studio). But I worked full-time starting from 2013 onward. Since 2013 I…

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