Chinese Painting and Geometric Patterns

How are you coping so far, guys? I’ve been busy organizing my work and working on new designs daily. Not to mention spending hours practicing either drawing or painting patterns. I realized I didn’t post in a long time so I decided to write a new article. Staying at home is not a bad thing…

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Colors in Different Languages

As part of my specialization/job, I decided to learn the name of colors in different languages. It’s not as hard as I imagined but it takes practice. Since I constantly use them, I try to name them in the languages that I learned. That’s how I practiced. I made a table to compare and make…

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Copic Markers and Acrylics in Fashion Illustrations

I used to paint my illustrations with comic markers (especially when I first knew about them) before using acrylics and watercolors. Whenever I explore a new painting technique or new paint/marker, I notice how the final result for my illustrations change as a result. Since I used to daily draw and paint, I don’t always…

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Fashion Illustration with Copic Markers

It’s been a while since I used copic markers for my fashion drawings. I was so fascinated by the metallic and pearl pigments which made me divert to acrylics and watercolors. But yesterday, as I looked at my fashion drawing of Demi Lovato at the VMAs wearing Zuhair Murad’s black lace bodysuit, I thought why…

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Face Painting with Patterns

So … I’m out of country and that’s the main reason for the lack of updates. I really was planning on writing a different post but it’ll take longer to finish. That’s why I decided to update my blog wit this post instead. For the past few months I experimented painting on different mediums. That…

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Painting Process Video

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’m posting a short painting process video this time. I didn’t like my painting on this one so I decided to cut the recording. But I’ll be back with a better one in the future.  

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New Painting Space

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I worked on arranging my small art studio last month. I love my new painting space that I can’t wait to record myself painting live! It did make a difference and a positive change to me these days. I never thought that it could boost my energy that much. When…

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Cosmetics Winner!

Happy New Year everyone! ❤ Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s my first time winning something in my life, lol. I was surprised to get mentioned by a blogger choosing me to receive a gift from Bourjois. It was super exciting! With social media nowadays, it’s much easier for you to connect with others and…

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What Kept Me Busy? Part 2

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I thought of diving this topic into two posts so that I don’t bombard you with a lot of text. And I know for sure that this series will continue for the next months too. In last October I joined an online Fashion Course with a duration of 12 weeks.…

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Me at the DAI Festival

Follow my blog with Bloglovin For a month I’ve been preparing for this day. Starting this month I got such a busy schedule that my whole priorities got messed up! I was torn between having some time to create new designs and painting them, organizing my business, being present at social media daily, and having…

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