Private Islamic Illumination Art Workshop

Aside from the online available courses I offer in Ottoman Illumination Art, I’m also doing private workshops. In this post, I will explain more about this private workshop with details about how it works and difference between it and the available online courses. Direct interaction In this Ottoman Illumination workshop, you’ll constantly be able to…

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Why Turkish Tezhip (Islamic Illumination)?

Turkish Tezhip which is also Ottoman Tezhip/Art. I dedicate this blog post to every single person who wants to understand why I’m working on Turkish tezhip (Ottoman Islamic Illumination Art), and what to expect when you learn it. While I was working in a graphic design, I fell in love with designing patterns. At that…

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Online Ottoman Illumination Workshop

It’s better that I write a descriptive post regarding the Ottoman Illumination Workshop that I’m working on. I promised that I’ll keep students interested in learning this art updated with the progress for this online workshop, so I decided to write everything here. Once the workshop is up and ready, there will be a registration…

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Occurrence of Excellency

We all wish to excel at something. Having that wish in the first place is good, yet without patience and persistence, we cannot excel at anything. I’m always tempted to try to do so many things, however, I stop myself midway and refocus on my profession. You all know what my profession is, right? Pattern…

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Determination and Achievements

As Entrepreneurs in particular, we constantly aim at achieving our goals. Sometimes, we even stumble a lot to achieve faster, however, focusing on each goal separately is what’ll help us achieve our goals faster.Without focusing, you will walk around without a clear destination. And that alone will slow your pace a lot. If you find…

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Analyzing Patterns #1: Part II

In the previous post, I wrote and posted a setp-by-step video on how to draw the pattern as shown in the reference photo. In this post, I will move to the painting part and begin by explaining the process I used. In Ottoman pattern painting, It’s important to outline your pattern and motifs. However, for…

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Analyzing Patterns #1 Part 1

It’s about time I start a new series of analyzing patterns. It’s not until I observed some of the photos I took when I traveled to Turkey that I better understood the patterns used in most of their decor and designs. Being able to reach such a level is true happiness that me studying the…

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Where was I?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been a while! I do apologize for not posting the past few weeks for I was having such a busy schedule. I had a lot going on at that time and I couldn’t concentrate enough to write a blog post. Last month I went to Turkey for few days…

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