Planning and Further Organizing: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly?

What is planning? And how does it assist you in your life? I view planning as a life-changing tool. It’s much more than purely planning for what task to do or for how long. Planning is an effective tool to use for your life. Whether for your personal life or your career. It’s not about…

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Declutter and Pave the Way

In a previous post, I wrote about investment. The ways of investing in different areas in your life. In this post, I’ll follow by writing about organizing and declutter your space. We often overlook tiny details. Or, sometimes we overthink those tiny details. It all takes balancing between overlooking and overthinking. When you see some…

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Obstacles: Are they real? Or do we imagine them?

Sometimes, we put obstacles unconsciously to prevent us from moving forward. Why? Mostly fear. If that fear increases, we might be steps away from achieving what we want to do in our lives. Once you’re aware of your fear, and face it, it won’t be able to control you. Life will be open up to…

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Back to Fashion Illustrating and Recording!

You may have noticed how I’ve been recording less the past few months as well as sketch fashion illustrations. But I’m finally back to my work! I truly miss recording my painting process so I recorded a new video for you guys! If you’re wondering why I record them, it’s to show you the way…

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Ikigai 生き甲斐 Book Review

I absolutely love the content written in this book. For some time, I’ve been fascinated by reading self-improvement books for they contain the information that all of us need to read. Prior to discovering these books, I used to go for novels. My favorite genres were fantasy, thriller, and historical novels. I loved reading novels…

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Organique Skincare Products

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Last time I purchased skin care products was from my last trip to Japan. I’ve been searching for organic products for my skin for it’s both sensitive and dry. Therefore not every product works for me. Although I love certain brands like The Body Shop, but not all of its…

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